School Life
Global Scholars Program

Curricular Requirements

The following courses will be required of all global scholars students:

World Languages: 学生将用西班牙语完成一门课程, French, Chinese, or Latin one level beyond level III. 如果学生在二年级结束时完成了三级以上的一个级别, 他们将作为初级继续学习一个级别.

History and Religious Studies: World History, 全球公民(S)(在大二或大三完成), Contemporary Global Issues (S), as well as Comparative Religions (S).

Capstone Project: 这个最终项目旨在展示学生在全球重大问题上的专业知识. 这项研究将在志愿教师顾问的帮助下完成,并与全球研究主任举行午餐研讨会和个别会议. 该项目将以公开为作品辩护而告终.

A student must also take at least 2 elective credits 从以下全球重点课程. 如果一门课程被认为对满足棋牌游戏平台全球学者毕业概况所描述的技能和知识有重大贡献,学术委员会可以将其指定为全球学者的选修课. 学生可以从以下课程中任选2个学分:

English: AP Literature; Empathy: The Heart of Character in Literature and Life (S); Exiting the Cave: Philosophy in Literature and Life (S); Rhetoric, Reasoning and Research; Understanding of Modern Man (S); Voices of Women (S)

World Languages: 比四级或同等水平课程高一级

History and Religious Studies: Honors International Relations; AP European History; AP Economics; AP Comparative Government; Hitler and the Nazis (S); Modern China (S); Cultural History; International Civil Rights; Global Poverty; Contemporary Global Religions

Science: Oceanography (S); Marine Biology (S); AP Environmental Science; Microbiology; Microbes and Man; Criminalistics and Forensic Science; Honors Design Engineering
Founded in 1960, Berkeley is an independent, Episcopal, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.